Environmental Monitoring Committee (EMC)

To make sure the environment quality in this company is always in a safe environment, our company establish environmental monitoring committee (EMC) to monitor the waste that been generated in this company is being treated or recover before being discharged to the environment.

This committee will ensure the environmental quality in this company is following the guidelines or standard that been given by DOE.

There are one competence person that responsible to coordinate and manage the environment quality in this company. Ms. Mah Shi Min is a competent person in CePSWaM starting from January 2022 to manage the scheduled waste that is generated in this company.

 There are eight members for the working level committee, that consist of the Director level to the operator level.

The meeting for this level of the committee is being conducted once per month that being chaired by the Director.

There are five members for the policy level of the committee, that consists of Director level to Head of Department level.

The meeting for this level of the committee is being held once per year that is chaired by the Director.

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